Youth Beef Team Scholarship

Scholarship Dollars Available

The Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation annually awards youth scholarships. Eligible students must graduate from high school this year, and meet any of these criteria: 

  • received the Youth Beef Team training, 
  • OR served as a county Beef Queen/Princess/Ambassador.  
Candidates will compete for $2,000 scholarships. Up to three $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to the top individuals who earn the most points in the scholarship contest. The number of scholarships awarded will be based on the number of applications received. An additional $500 will be awarded to any $2000 scholarship winner who has completed the MBA course (Master of Beef Advocacy - req. online course only) before the scholarship contest.     

Scholarship application guidelines can be found below and must be emailed or postmarked by March 1, 2025.      

Finalists will participate in a personal interview and presentation in Ames, scheduled for a Saturday, April. Each finalist will be interviewed by a panel of judges. Finalists will also give a five to eight-minute presentation on an issue of their choice that impacts the beef industry. Scholarship winners will be announced at the conclusion of the day’s events.   

If you have questions, please contact Mary Greiman by phone at (515) 296-2266 or email [email protected].

Click here for the full guidelines and application.